Book Review: The Future of Learning (Guy Claxton)

“School is an institution that is deeply, systemically, designed for compliance. The whole apparatus of rules, punishments, timetables and bells, syllabuses and set texts, marking and examination requires and rewards the disposition of diligence, obedience, conscientiousness and correctness: of willingly doing what you are told regardless of whether it seems senseless or untimely. Student choice […]

Ways of Knowing

Through the past few months, I have been challenging myself and my approaches to leadership and education writ large by exploring indigenous ways of knowing through the work of Richard Wagemese and other incredible resources provided by colleagues, and a workshop with Anima Leadership; in fact, I am excited to be taking part, just this […]

Hope vs. Optimism

What will 2021 look like? How might we embrace 2021 with hope so that we can thrive in the new year as educators? This is a question that I’ve been asking myself for quite some time now. My big project has been focusing on Digital Transformation and making it as human as possible. To do […]