Book Review: Nuance by M. Fullan

In his latest book, Nuance, Michael Fullan refines his previous research and writings on what it takes to be an effective leader of educational organizations. We can all agree that this has never been more important. We can also agree that concepts of leadership, and practices successful leadership have never before been so disrupted. Gone […]

Book Review: The Infinite Game (Sinek)

Chess is not an infinite game, nor is football. These have defined beginnings , ends and winners. In his latest book, Simon Sinek argues that many organizations, businesses, corporations and even politicians are playing ‘finite games’. They are concerned about the various finish lines, be they quarterly reports, the next mid-term, the bottom line, or […]

Book Review: Doughnut Economics

The school where I work is an incredible place to be, especially this time of year. The capacity of giving and thoughtfulness know no bounds, as does their holiday spirit! Our sustainability initiatives are extending and being integrated into long-standing programming: something as simple as hot chocolate mornings requiring students to bring their own mugs, […]

Book Review: Trust, by David Johnston

The role of an educator is grounded in trust. Trust is the foundation of learning in our homes, classrooms, travel experiences, and in our schools as a whole. You would be interested in this book if… … you enjoyed politics and wanted to know more about the role of the GG … you wanted to […]