Book Reivew: The Future is Analog (David Sax)

“The Future is Analog” (2022) is David Sax’s follow up to “The Revenge of Analog” (2016). In this very readable, incredibly well researched, with a wide diversity of people referenced and interviewed, David Sax offers a welcome version of the future based on the tough lessons that we’ve learned through our experiences of the pandemic….
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Book Review: The Values-Driven Organization (Barrett)

As part of an upcoming PD experience, I am reading this book by Richard Barrett, and thought I would share some of the learnings. The subtitle of this book is “Cultural Health and Employee Well-Being as a Pathway to Sustainable Performance”. This alone makes this book compelling, as a resource to offer some answers /…
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Hope vs. Optimism

What will 2021 look like? How might we embrace 2021 with hope so that we can thrive in the new year as educators? This is a question that I’ve been asking myself for quite some time now. My big project has been focusing on Digital Transformation and making it as human as possible. To do…
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Book Review: Failure to Disrupt by Justin Reich

Not two weeks ago, I was presenting to the faculty on Digital Transformation, and my comment that I hope my colleagues took from it was that a Digital Transformation is, at its core, a very human endeavor. This book supports this whole-heartedly by reviewing the history of big claims and myths about the saviour-syndrome of…
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Book Review: The Power of Us (David Price)

The US leadership expert Warren G. Bennis once said: “There are two ways of being creative. One can sing and dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish.” Pg. 239 David Price has written a book that synthesizes mindsets and approaches and contextualizes them in the here and now. It…
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3 Resources for the Summer (and Aussie Winter!)…

To many of my readers, there is a long break ahead for the summer, while for others below the equator, schools are just getting started. This will be my last of my “3 Resources…” posts for while (I hope!), so I’ve decided on three compelling resources that offer compelling reasons and hope that education will…
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3 Resources I’ve Loved this Week…

As school’s wrap up the student experiences of their Remote Learning Plans, there is much to reflect upon. How have students survived, thrived or not? How have students learned more about themselves as learners, and how do we know? The same can be asked of our organizations. This week, during the CIS Ontario Remote Learning…
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3 Resources I’ve Loved this Week…

This week has been a short week with the long weekend, and it was a week that saw Ontario easing some of its restrictions again. This has schools thinking more and more about what it might look like to return to campus and what it means for planning: logistics & regulations, wellbeing of faculty and…
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