Book Review: Failure to Disrupt by Justin Reich

Not two weeks ago, I was presenting to the faculty on Digital Transformation, and my comment that I hope my colleagues took from it was that a Digital Transformation is, at its core, a very human endeavor. This book supports this whole-heartedly by reviewing the history of big claims and myths about the saviour-syndrome of…
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3 Resources I’ve loved this week…

This past week, for me, was about honouring the work of teachers. It was, after all, Teacher Appreciation Week! I made sure to reach out individually whenever I could to say thanks, to offer support, and jump in to provide solutions where I thought I might be able to. Our faculty are working above and…
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3 Resources I’ve Loved this Week…

This week I found more energy, thanks to a shift in the conversation about coming up for air. Government officials began to consider what it might look like to ease the isolation and closures; and, school in other parts of the world are starting to open back up in phases. It has been a long…
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3 Resources I’ve Loved This Week…

This week has been an interesting one – with the long weekend it’s the back half of two short weeks in a row. What impact has this had on you? For me, it has pressurized my wellbeing, in that work continues to expand throughout the day. I count myself very fortunate in that my work,…
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3 Resources I’ve Loved This Week…

I wanted to share three resources that have really resonated with me that I have come across either this week or the last. I think that these 3 resources really speak to the challenges and hope that we are facing as educators. Take a listen, take a look, and take a read. I hope these…
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Why Facts Matter… Book Review: Factfulness (H. Rosling)

Congratulations to “Growing Success”! It is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary next year, but how many will show up to the party? There will be COPs (Conversations, Observations and Products) and lots of Assessments (otherwise known as ‘Celebrations of Learning’) for, of, and as Learning. But we are going to KICA this party into the next…
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A Time to Reflect

Having just read @jgravel‘s post on integrating reflection into her practice, I’ve been inspired to examine my own use of reflection in my sphere of influence. One area that I am responsible for is experiential learning. One of the key parts of really good experiential learning is the reflecting on experiences. This is captured in…
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Book Review: Are you teaching a Dark Horse?

The latest book from Todd Rose, co-authored with Ogi Ogas, entitled Dark Horse: Achieving Success Through the Pursuit of Fulfillment, captured my imagination. It is not only about how individuality leads to fulfillment, and ultimately why fullfillment can lead to success, it outlines – more significantly for educators – the paradigm shift as the world…
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“Good Enough” vs. “Completely Awesome”

“Just good enough” is one of those sayings that reminds me of Facebook’s “Done is better than perfect.” It’s something that is meant to tell me when I can think of something as ‘done’, or ‘complete’, or at the very least, something that I can move on from. But each of us will have a…
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A Conversation about Social Media

I read @edaigle’s post on Google+ about social media, and this started a very generative conversation – one that I hope keeps going! – that I am now taking back to my the hallways and offices on my own school. It centers around Rousseau Lake College’s Social Media policy. Rousseau is a smaller school than…
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