Book Review: “Accountable” by Dashka Slater

I first came across this book during an episode of The Daily, “The Rise of Deepfakes in American Schools”, where they investigated a terrible new trend about the use of generative AI use against young girls of colour. In the podcast, the hosts ask the question of schools,” How unprepared can we be?” One of…
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Book Review: Co-Intelligence (Ethan Mollick)

As alien as AIs are, they’re also deeply human. They are training on our cultural history, and reinforcement learning from humans aligns them to our goals. They carry our biases and are created out of a complex mix of idealism, entrepreneurial spirit, and yes, exploitation of the work and labor of others. In many ways,…
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Bool Review: Hope Matters (Eline Kelsey)

I had the privilege of listening to Elin Kelsey speak at the Global Education Benchmarking Group (GEBG) this past April. I had come across the book earlier and it had intrigued me as a great provocation for a course we were designing at Havergal College. But when I heard her speak, I knew I was…
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Book Review: Brave New Words (Sal Khan)

“”I no longer accept anything that is not perfectly written at this stage. Why Bother?” Like Mollock, Fuentes and Hick, Educators are finding that these Generative AI tools make our students far more skilled and efficient writers. They are also finding that, where producing essays were once seen as essential to helping students gain mastery…
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Book Review: Calm in the Chaos (Danny Bauer, et al.)

I have been deep-diving into Stoicism these past two years through the books and podcast of Ryan Halliday (aka: The Daily Stoic). When I was introduced to Danny Bauer, one of the authors of “Calm in the Chaos”, it was clear that he was a learning-practitioner of Stoicism in the educational context and culture. Chief…
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