Cohort21… A Community as, for and of Learning

Overwhelmed… a common side-effect of the first F2F session of C21! There is so much flying around; the Toolkit, #DesignThinking, what other people are doing and your own ideas on how Continue Reading →
21st Century Educator Preparing Students for their Future.
Overwhelmed… a common side-effect of the first F2F session of C21! There is so much flying around; the Toolkit, #DesignThinking, what other people are doing and your own ideas on how Continue Reading →
Final reflections in the form of a Pecha Kucha – 20 slides & 20 seconds per slide. Effective and efficient – what do you want to share? It isn’t lost Continue Reading →
It was a very inspiring first Face to Face in my new role at Cohort21 with people who have so many different skills, abilities and experiences. Reflecting on my first year, I remember Continue Reading →
When I first joined Cohort 21 in the original instalment of the program, I was excited to be reunited with 2 former colleagues in order to collaborate and hear about Continue Reading →
Recently I encountered a somewhat challenging issue with my class. Many of the students were being slammed in other courses, and I knew I wasn’t going to get their best Continue Reading →