Three steps to getting the conversation going

  A quick update on what I implemented from #cohort21 over the past year (I was a participant in 2015-2016). My action plan was based on getting students to communicate authentically. I implemented a 3-step structure for conversations, which became the routine start of almost every class: Students ask each other questions posted on a […]

Who hit the fast forward button?!

Wasn’t it just September? Wasn’t I just creating a cringe-worthy video to enter the Cohort21 lottery?? (Did I mention I won?!!) Here is my Action Plan and Reflection created using @Piktochart (as suggested by my fabulous Cohort21 colleagues @DerekDoucet1 and @CathyITRussell). You can access the cooler and much clearer online version here:

It’s a colourful life…

…that of a teacher. And that of a French teacher trying to get her students to speak more in class! Thanks to Celeste Kirsh (@teach_tomorrow), I attempted to up the ante beyond “Talking Stick 2.0” ( No longer was it just about using the plain popsicle sticks to determine the number of one’s contributions to […]

Things are going to get messy…

My action plan My goal for this year was to provide more opportunities for my students to communicate orally in French in an authentic manner. I had heard of Harkness tables from the English Department at my school, and I have been playing with this idea over the past couple of years. I didn’t realize […]

I have ways of making you talk!

Here is my official Action Plan: Use co-operative structures during class to effectively build students’ oral proficiency in French  in an authentic manner. In my last post, I mentioned the co-operative learning structure Talking Chips from Kagan Cooperative Learning by Dr. Spencer Kagan and Miguel Kagan (@KaganOnline). I had been eager to try new structures – RoundRobin […]

Talking Stick 2.0

Well I’ve gone and done it. I’ve tried the first of three co-operative structures to encourage discussion in my FSL classroom. I’ve selected these from Kagan Cooperative Learning by Dr. Spencer Kagan and Miguel Kagan. Thank you to @Think_teach for pointing me in this direction! This strategy is called “Talking chips”. I’ve referred to it as a […]