Who hit the fast forward button?!

Wasn’t it just September? Wasn’t I just creating a cringe-worthy video to enter the Cohort21 lottery?? (Did I mention I won?!!)

Here is my Action Plan and Reflection created using @Piktochart (as suggested by my fabulous Cohort21 colleagues @DerekDoucet1 and @CathyITRussell). You can access the cooler and much clearer online version here: https://magic.piktochart.com/output/13015371-cohort-21-action-plan.

Cohort 21 Action Plan - Vivienne Kraus

3 thoughts on “Who hit the fast forward button?!

  1. Love the Piktochart as a way of sharing your Action Plan. I look forward to hearing more on Friday. One of the elements of my Action Plan was to investigate more collaborative ways to teach information literacy, so I’m really interested to learn about your experiences co-creating content and assessments with students. Sounds like you took on a really ambitious project and made some great strides. Congrats!

  2. Hey @vkraus – you’re an inspiration for all French teachers! Thanks for sharing your awesome piktochart – is this a next step in your class? I introduced this as an option for our production orale – presenting on 5 sources (audio and reading) of a topic of their choosing. I also introduced the idea of Pecha Kucha – a great way to present but limiting the slide count to 7-10 http://www.pechakucha.org/

    Keep on rocking it!

  3. Hi @vkraus! I have to piggy-back on Derek and Laura’s comment about the piktochart– love it! I had the same question that Derek posed, have you thought about using these at all in your classroom as an assessment tool? You used it very effectively here, your ideas very clearly communicated 🙂 Nice job and congratulations on all your success this year with Cohort21 and implementing your AP. It sounds and looks like you had a great year of learning with your students!

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