I find myself at the end of a road. I know that my journey is not over. I will continue to explore new tools, reflect on my teaching and strive to grow and change along with my students and the technology. As my year long adventure as a participant of Cohort 21 comes to an […]
In late March, early April I will be putting my plan into action with my AP Chemistry class during the Electrochemistry unit. The basic idea: I am testing out some new strategies for the follow up of a flipped class. In the past, the students have watched the video prior to coming to class. When […]
I have been lucky enough to teach the same courses (Grade 11 & 12 Chemistry) for my entire 15 year career, which may sound like an absolute nightmare, but I have seen it as an opportunity to refine my craft. Intentional reflection has allowed me to develop my courses and increase the quality of delivery […]
After the first Face-to-Face session, many people talked about feeling overwhelmed. We met inspiring educators and were shown awesome tools. We were sent on our way to explore and connect. I think at the time I was a bit too stunned to feel anything. My mind felt flooded. In a good way. Twitter? Diigo? Google +? […]
Welcome to Cohort 21. This is the first post on your new blog. This journal is an integral part of your Cohort 21 experience. Here you will reflect, share and collaborate as you move through the C21 learning cycle towards your action plan. Cohort 21 is a unique professional development opportunity open to CIS Ontario […]