Vlog #002: Innovation Everywhere The first real episode of the blog is ready for viewing! This episode chronicles the crazy 72 hours I...
I’m Starting My Vlog. Ok, I’m finally doing it. I’m starting my vlog. When I started Cohort 21 this year, my action plan...
Can Mindsets Be Contagious? My last post about Jay Atwood’s presentation on finding your “hedgehog” has led me to think about how much...
Action Plan, Meet Google. Back in December, a couple of my colleagues (thanks Charles) nominated me for the Google Certified Innovator program. I...
What Is the Purpose of School? Should schools focus on preparing students for real life or for University? Wait…aren’t those the same thing? As I...
Step 1: Know Your User It’s the third week of November. Report cards are just finished looming, piles of marking are stacking up, students...
Moving Forward, Looking Back Today I went for my first long bike ride of the season. I’ve been riding all winter long, so...
Catching Up Is Hard To Do How can it possibly be March 3rd already? It feels like only yesterday it was December and I was...
What Can Friday Night Lights Teach Us About Learning? As I mentioned in my last post, I have decided to focus my action plan on using online tools...
An Equation for Effective PD Don’t we all wish it was August again? Fresh faced from the summer, we were full of piss n’...