Vlog #003: Experiential Learning This is a long over due post, but episode #003 from my very sporadic attempt at vlogging is finally...
Can Mindsets Be Contagious? My last post about Jay Atwood’s presentation on finding your “hedgehog” has led me to think about how much...
Step 1: Know Your User It’s the third week of November. Report cards are just finished looming, piles of marking are stacking up, students...
Community Engaged Learning on a Farm in Brooklyn Every year, I take my Grade 12 Green Industries students to NYC for a weekend of experiential learning about...
#TeachCities: NYC Edition Why should we #teachcities to young people? For me, today was a perfect illustration of how the city,...
Lessons from Building a House: Stalling, Failing, Stressing and Making a Mess. As many of you know, over the past nine months, my husband and I have completely gutted and rebuilt...