This year, I added another element to prepare for the Harkness-inspired discussions that we had in class. As a way to build vocabulary and fluency, the students’ homework was to record their response to a given question using Flipgrid ( For example : Quelle est la place de la technologie à l’école? Use at least 10 […]
A quick update on what I implemented from #cohort21 over the past year (I was a participant in 2015-2016). My action plan was based on getting students to communicate authentically. I implemented a 3-step structure for conversations, which became the routine start of almost every class: Students ask each other questions posted on a […]
Faire d’un pierre deux coups. We have been working with design thinking at our school thanks to @Think_teach and of course here at Cohort 21. I felt pretty comfortable and enamored with the process, and had dabbled using it with my guinea pig class as a reflective assessment as learning tool. At a Round Square conference I […]
…that of a teacher. And that of a French teacher trying to get her students to speak more in class! Thanks to Celeste Kirsh (@teach_tomorrow), I attempted to up the ante beyond “Talking Stick 2.0” ( No longer was it just about using the plain popsicle sticks to determine the number of one’s contributions to […]