Cohort 21 January 2013

Another great Saturday spent with the Cohort 21 Crew.

I learned tons today. The next steps for my action plan includes spending more time on Lucidcharts, so I can move from using charts personally to feeling confident sharing Lucidcharts with students. I will also narrow down the list of Climate Change Problems to focus the lessons and organize strategic student groups.
I will be ready to publish and share more about this Problem-based Learning project before the end of February – stay posted. At that time, the Climate Change Problems will be distributed to student groups and they will be working through this learning process.
Any ideas you have that will help as I explore Problem Based Learning, GoogleDocs or Lucidcharts are welcome at any time.

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One Response to Cohort 21 January 2013

  1. Jan Campbell says:

    Su – I would love to hear how your grade 10’s engage in this process. Are they all on-board? I assume there is more scaffolding needed for some than others? I look forward to hearing more about your assessment of using the problem-based learning model with this age-group.

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