Hello again, Long time, no blog, eh? I suppose I’ve got some catching up to do. However, that can take a backseat to this awesome piece of news I have. For the past year, I’ve been pioneering the use of Memarden, a customizable, game-based lesson creation website, in my French class. I was actually first introduced […]
There’s only one week left to go until the final face-to-face meeting of Cohort 21 and I’m feeling a variety of emotions. On the one hand, I’m excited to see a bunch of people who have inspired me to push myself to try new things and leave my Luddite comfort zone. I’m really looking forward to […]
Happy new year everyone! I’m happy to say that I’ve released 4 vocab videos as of now, and I’m looking forward to releasing many more. It hasn’t been as easy as I thought for the following reasons: -I can’t control what pops up in the ride sidebar of YouTube (ie Rob Ford on Crack, 7 […]
Ladies and gentlemen, it has begun! My goal is to partially flip my classroom this year and I’ve found the means to do it. I suppose I should have posted my action plan first but I couldn’t help myself so here’s my action plan along with a description of what I’ve done so far: Since […]
I’m lucky enough to have a Smartboard – or ‘tableau magique’ as it’s called in French – in my primary French classroom. Unfortunately, it frequently acts up during key moments in lessons. Maybe it was dropped on its head as a baby smartboard or too many boys have been poking it and wiping boogers on […]