Four years ago almost to the day, I wrote an article for our school’s weekly newsletter. It was about travelling with students. It was inspired by the negative reaction of a person to the fact that students on a trip to Washington were using Instagram and Snapchat to take and send photos at the […]
While sitting around the table at the final Cohort 21 Fact-to-face gathering yesterday, I reflected on what’s next and said that I wanted to take a sabbatical from formal PD for a bit because I wanted to think about where I have been for a while. Sensing a guilty note in my voice, one of […]
Cohort 21 is a collaborative learning experience that led participants to create an action plan by using a design process. It takes place face-to-face in real time and in the virtual world too. It is electric and eclectic. It is led by thoughtful and energetic facilitators Garth and Justin and kind and patient program alumni […]
The last post? Sound the trumpet? Maybe, maybe not. I don’t see this as the end of the beginning but rather as the end of an action/reflection process that is part of a much longer journey. This image helps to remind me of something we talk about as we evolve our programs – each step we […]
How might we… use a variety of strategies to engage all learners and to build creative confidence? For now, we see through a glass, darkly… – from an old letter While trying to address my “How might we…” question, I have been puzzling over how to capture the magic of Reggio-inspired inquiry with my Grades […]
“…there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of […]
I have enjoyed our session on design thinking and action plan work today. My thinking has changed in lots of ways but especially with regard to where student input and choice comes in – as “users” and “choosers” of the learning processes we plan. I used to think that my teaching partners and I had […]
Back in the day, before cell phones made us nearly always message-able if not totally reachable, the answering machine was a big deal. It was a little disconcerting at first as many people talked to the machine’s voice before realizing they had to wait for the tone to leave a message. I remember my Dad’s first […]
As a faculty, we were asked to read Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset: A New Psychology of Success, over the summer. The ideas from the book and our reflections about them will be the focus of ongoing PD in our school this year. I enjoyed the book a great deal. I found it interesting the way […]
Lao Tzu – The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. I am all about the learning journey, and I have started on a big one today at Cohort21. I learned a lot, mostly about how far behind I feel with things like Diigo and Twitter. I find it interesting that I was a […]