About Me

I”m currently in my 14th year of teaching at Trinity College School, after recently moving from Lakefield College School.

Starting in the Middle School program, I earned my chops teaching phys-ed everyday, outside, without a gym, and loved every second of it.

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After moving to the high school at LCS, I took a leave of absence to work on Class Afloat, a tall ship where students in grades 11 and 12 travel around the Atlantic Ocean visiting over twenty countries while earning high school credits. This was a transformative year for me as a teacher and as a person.


Returning to LCS, I became a residential head of house, and started teaching a full slate of senior English classes, while also coaching boys and girls basketball and starting a recreational canoeing program, known as “Canoe Krew”.

In the summers, I have spent my days on big river canoe trips with friends, paddling the Moisie, Kesagami, and recently the George River in Labrador (through the generous help of a Kickstarter fundraising campaign). Last summer I co-lead students on a hike in Iceland. Following that, I found my way to California to take on the mighty John Muir Trail with some old camp friends.

Canoeing, friends, and my dog are currently my passions outside of the classroom. Inside, it remains the same: always striving to improve my craft and engaging students to be the best they can be. I’m hoping to focus on Project Based Learning in the English classroom, as well as investigating big ideas through Design Thinking.


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