Action Plan: What’s Next

The next thing I would like to do is find any evidence of information visualization use in high school (and maybe even elementary school). That involves a lot of research and reading, but I want to look around on Twitter and other social sites to find if there are teachers who are doing in their […]

Treading with Optimism

Well, it has been almost two full days since the end of our first face-to-face meeting for Cohort21. I have reflected on the difference between my expectations beforehand, and the experience of the day. Now, I am ready to talk. Much to my surprise, I have found myself adopting a fairly conservative position on a […]

Thoughts On The Morning

This morning we have been busy setting up the various tools we need to successfully participate and collaborate in the Cohort21 Project. I am pretty comfortable with the tools we have been reviewing: Diigo, WordPress, Google Apps, Twitter, but there can never be too much review of these tools. There are always things I do […]