Action Plan: What’s Next

The next thing I would like to do is find any evidence of information visualization use in high school (and maybe even elementary school). That involves a lot of research and reading, but I want to look around on Twitter and other social sites to find if there are teachers who are doing in their classrooms. Something I wanted to do today, but somehow did not get around to it, is to talk to teachers, any teachers outside of St. George’s to pick their brains about how relevant what I want to do is to their classroom. Is there a similar demand to harness the power of visualization and to make students more data literate? I also need to think about what my end product will be. I am still not quite sure about that….

pie chart

2 thoughts on “Action Plan: What’s Next

  1. Tim – I am impressed! I did my very best to understand information visualization and how it might be used in the school setting, but I must admit I have not totally grasped the concept. We will have to chat at a later date.
    The objective to help students extract meaning from data and/or to understand and manipulate data, are lofty goals. Again, I look forward to a fulsome conversation.
    …What’s wrong with the rest of the pie?

  2. The problem is visualization perpetrated by movies, television, and video. The imagination has suffered. Ask to describe black, and the answer from today’s youth versus similar demographics from the past 50 years would be totally opposite. In essence, we’ve destroyed naïveté. We substantiate the destruction by rationalizing safety and awareness. Information visualization can be eloquently realized by employing the old “one room” schoolhouse. Older students inadvertently disseminate knowledge by learning themselves. Repressing one sense cause the other senses to compensate. Replace visualization information with imaginative information, and you will have a generation that will know the meaning of “thinking out of the box”. Good luck! I don’t know how you take a generation that can’t do simple mathematical equations when the computer is down to a generation that can entertain themselves without any electricity.

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