Declaration of intention

Here is my current plan for researching the flipped classroom in the context of 6th grade literacy. My research questions: What are best practices when “flipping” a classroom? Why should teachers consider using this teaching method in a literacy classroom? How are other teachers at my school already using online videos to leverage technology for […]

Second F2F Meeting…today!

With our second (well…my first) Face to Face meeting happening this morning, I am actually probably hoping for what many were hankering for before the first scheduled meeting: I’m hoping to meet some of these bloggers and Twitterers (um…what do you call someone who Tweets? Is that even a thing?) that I have been reading […]

When phones in class are awesome…

During an exciting art session this afternoon, my students were saying brilliant, insightful, and deeply reflective things about how we read images (we had just created an image that represented a “frame” in our retelling of Tuck Everlasting). My colleague and co-creator, also our school’s art teacher, grabbed her iPhone, turned on the recorder, and […]

My new best friend

Weebly is a teacher’s best friend. Or at the very least, it is my new best friend. As a new teacher, I am constantly striving to find ways to make my life easier, less complicated, and more sane. I’m not always successful with this pursuit (see the above part about being a new teacher), but […]

Well, hello there!

I’m excited to be part of The Cohort 21 Network and start learning and sharing about powerful teaching practices in the classroom. I think even by starting to tap in to the resources and tools that already surround us, inspiration, ideas, and possibilities start to take root and blossom.