My Head is Spinning… And I Love It!

Is it Saturday yet? I need some of that “Cohort 21 Face-to-Face” magic.

Since the last F2F, I feel like my head hasn’t stopped spinning. Aside from Cohort 21, I’ve got 4 preps (never experienced this before), I’m trying to get comfortable in my new role of Subject Coordinator for senior math, and I’ve got a 2 year old at home who is the most fun kid you’ve ever been around (okay, I might be a little biased here. Side note, he can now count to 6 and correctly identify a hexagon! … Sorry, I’ll move on now). All of this would have been enough to keep me busy this year, then Cohort 21 entered my life and has me questioning everything I’ve ever done!

I’ve really enjoyed Twitter so far – everyone’s willingness to share their thoughts and ideas has been inspiring. However, the downside can be educational opinions overload. Every time I look, someone has posted or retweeted an article about how education needs to change. Some of these speak to me and force me to reflect on my practice, and others I completely disagree with, but then I stop and wonder if I should be more open-minded?

As part of reflecting on my own practice, I’ve been reading the blogs of other teachers. I read about a calculus teacher who has stopped giving grades and gives personalized assessments. I feel inspired reading his thoughts and the testimonials from his students, but I’m left to wonder if I truly believe his methods are best for my students, or am I suffering from recency bias? In short, is this lust or love that I’m feeling? Should I jump in the deep end starting tomorrow, or should I try one new approach in our next unit and see how it goes? As I said before, my head spinning.

As overwhelmed as I feel right now, I can’t remember a better time in my teaching career! I’m inspired by what my Cohort 21 colleagues are doing and it drives me to be better for my students.

Do I have too many ideas? Yes. Can I try them all tomorrow? No. Okay then, which ones should take priority? Which would benefit my students the most? Which could inspire my colleagues the most?

I need some help. Is it Saturday yet?

About Michael Moore

I have taught senior mathematics at Hillfield Strathallan College for 10 years and I'm currently the Subject Coordinator for the Mathematics and Computer Science department.
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2 Responses to My Head is Spinning… And I Love It!

  1. OK- he can COUNT to 6, but does he have any quantity association..I mean, as a mathematician, you should really get on that, Michael. Oh, wait, I think I know of a program that could assist with that- and MUCH more! 🙂

  2. Hi Michael,
    Just following up on this awesome post. I love the question ” Should I jump in the deep end starting tomorrow, or should I try one new approach in our next unit and see how it goes? As I said before, my head spinning.”

    Have you jumped in? Is your head still spinning? I’m dying for an update 🙂

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