Next Steps

1. Stop dragging my feet on integrating tech more liberally due to hesitation about doing it all right and being perfectly organized. Taking the advice of my breakout group – focus on one tool, make it work, move on to the next when ready. The final destination I’ve dreamed up will be a step by step process, not a beautifully organized and streamlined thing that gets released bug free on day 1. Having finally accepted this, my hesitance seems a bit silly! The tool I have chosen is Edmodo. I will focus on getting my classes set up and running in this tool before extrapolating into my hosted blogs and other stuff.

2. Add flipped lesson videos, target specific blogging activities, perhaps have an RSS stream into edmodo, on

3. Toy with a French version of a quick revision site like 

4. Network more actively via blogs with fellow FSL teachers in c21!

5. Get back to link sharing via tweetdeck and diigo

One Reply to “Next Steps”

  1. Hi Louis,
    Great to see you again at MaRS! I appreciate your quiet consideration of all we do for sure! And I would echo those that you spoke to and urge you to implement one tool well, and then move on. But remember that technology for technology’s sake is bunk, so keep your other blog post at the forefront and use SAMR to help you ask “where can technology enhance learning?”

    Love these ideas and think that Jen Bibby and even former member Derek Doucet up at Lakefield could help you out with these ideas: – get in touch with him via Twitter @DerekDoucet1 , or check out his blog: