Action Plan

My goals coming into today revolved around networking and moving closer to greater and more effective implementation of edtech in my classes. While I have dabbled with success here and there, there is much work to do yet. I had hoped to be encouraged and inspired by like-minded individuals and pros who things better than I do already.

I’m pleased to report that great progress is made on all fronts. Moreover, “think big” resonates, education is changing, as it must, and I wish ride this wave with glee rather than eye it warily. My action plan moving forward consists of:

1. Remain cognisant of the SAMR model, moving from mere substitution to augmentation, modification and redefinition. Continue teaching and encouraging the use of the google drive and its multifaceted uses to students. Continue to positively encourage colleagues in discovering its magnificence.

2. Build on today’s discoveries of google plus and diigo for my teaching and perhaps also for students!?

3. Experiment with google hangouts, both as part of flip teaching and as a extra help tutoring tool. Encourage students to use it themselves to improve their learning outside of class.

4. Keep thinking big! Read blogs and posts from fellow cohort members, engage in discussion and be part of the change rather than a passive observer. Take advantage of my suddenly massive PLN!

5. Forge ahead and if possible, innovate: formalize, tidy up then showcase my efforts with evernote and google forms–>sheets–>resorted sheets via script and transpose cells. Move towards finally officially launching, edmodo, consider creating evernote accounts for students and their note taking, more flip class videos, voicethreads etc

One Reply to “Action Plan”

  1. Welcome to the Cohort, Louis. It is apparent that with only one F2F experience, you have grasped the limitless potential of Cohort 21’s very powerful collaboration and sharing. I encourage you to continue to “think big” and engage “with glee”!