Action Plan

Fiona Sawyer and I decided to collaborate on our action plan and with our power point as we are teaching partners for Early Ed HPE. We started off wanting to collaborate with the rest of our Middle and Senior School HSC Phys-Ed department, and ensure we had a continuous  curriculum gradient for JK to Grade […]

Opening Questions

My three opening questions related to Sportsmanship, Resilience and Positive Attitude are: What is Resilience? Were you ever on the wrong side of bad sportsmanship? Can you tell me more about your experience with managing group conflict? Follow up questions/activities: What does good sportsmanship look like? How does negativity affect your team? Lets make a […]

The Power of Three

Speaking of momentum, after breaking the seal and the silence with my last blog post, I felt like following up with the work we were asked to do before the next face to face.  When I think about the 3 urgent needs of the students, some skills that we are trying to develop come to […]

First Action

So one of my goals on the way to creating a vision for my action plan was to post learning goals and success criteria in the gym.  I had to get past the obstacle of an old and largely barely usable whiteboard that has been in the gym for years.  So after a meeting with […]

First Post

Getting myself to the other side of the first post.  Today I reflected on a big failure while teaching and what I learned.  I went with my open puberty talk in Grade 4, which worked well in the first two years.  I wanted to foster a safe and open environment where the students could ask any […]

Welcome to Cohort 21

Welcome to Cohort 21. This is the first post on your new blog. This journal is an integral part of your Cohort 21 experience. Here you will reflect, share and collaborate as you move through the C21 learning cycle towards your action plan. Cohort 21 is a unique professional development opportunity open to CIS Ontario […]