Opening Questions

My three opening questions related to Sportsmanship, Resilience and Positive Attitude are: What is Resilience? Were you ever on the wrong side of bad sportsmanship? Can you tell me more about your experience with managing group conflict? Follow up questions/activities: What does good sportsmanship look like? How does negativity affect your team? Lets make a […]

The Power of Three

Speaking of momentum, after breaking the seal and the silence with my last blog post, I felt like following up with the work we were asked to do before the next face to face.  When I think about the 3 urgent needs of the students, some skills that we are trying to develop come to […]

First Action

So one of my goals on the way to creating a vision for my action plan was to post learning goals and success criteria in the gym.  I had to get past the obstacle of an old and largely barely usable whiteboard that has been in the gym for years.  So after a meeting with […]