Speaking of momentum, after breaking the seal and the silence with my last blog post, I felt like following up with the work we were asked to do before the next face to face.  When I think about the 3 urgent needs of the students, some skills that we are trying to develop come to mind.  These generally lacking in most of my classes and need to be modeled and encouraged daily:

Resilience (Stick-with-it-ness) – This is a mindset.  Whether it is giving 100% regardless of the activity or teams, or it is not giving up when the deck is stacked against you, there is never enough of this to go around.  It als0 takes the form of problem solving, flexibility, conflict and anger management, group work, supporting or mentoring others and overall adaptiveness. It must be modeled and taught on a daily basis.

Sportsmanship – Phys-Ed is where this needs to be taught on a daily basis.  There are about 10 teachable moments per class that need to be harnessed and not ignored to model good sportsmanship, and make an example of bad sportsmanship.

Positive Attitude – whether it’s groans when they hear they will be running, or when they hear we will not be playing ghostbusters or floor hockey (most classes we will not be), I have daily issues with students and negative attitudes.


2 thoughts on “The Power of Three

  1. I totally agree @bryansimmons. I think resilience is such a key component that needs to be address with our students, especially when we think about learning in the 21st Century. I feel that a large part of the issue has to do with what’s going on at home. With many of my students, their conflicts and problem solving issues are often solved by their parents. I think the modelling aspect as well as providing many opportunities for them to develop resilience is key. Thanks for a great post!

  2. Great post @bryansimmons. I found many of the same needs in the Middle School. What a great chance to align our action plans for #cohort21. Looking forward to collaborating this Saturday at our second F2F:)

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