As season 10 of Cohort21 draws to a close, it’s a perfect opportunity to reflect on the process and look forward to the future. This year, my focus was on the digital wellbeing of our younger learners entering into the Upper School (Years 8 and 9). With an increasing amount of time spent online and […]
During our second session at Cohort21, we sought to develop some essential questions that would help to guide us towards a topic of importance and that might also be urgent. In my previous post, I highlighted the need for more attention to be focused on the middle division students at my school and the possible […]
I have been working on this project off and on for two years and yet it is still not done. However, the fruits of my labors are not found in the completion of the project they are found in the learning opportunities it has afforded to me. I’ve learned about organizational theory, Blended Learning and a […]
Forgive me Cohort21 for it has been a little while since I last posted. Today I wanted to talk a little about my action plan for this year. I have decided to extend my work from last year. Last year, I developed a course for boys that used the principles of David Allen’s Getting Things […]
To recap, my action plan is to take David Allen’s popular “Getting it Done” organizational framework and apply it to Google Calendar in the context of UCC in order to improve boys organization cognitive control. Energized, I jumped right into the process. I mapped out my curriculum, the key points I wanted to address, and a […]