“I am a part of all that I have met…” Tennyson I read something recently that really resonated with me, that the source of frustration can usually be traced back to unmet expectations. I wish I could tell you where I read it but I do not remember. It was somewhere on the Web, […]
It has been awhile since our last F2F but it was good to have time to talk with my fellow C21-ers and to participate in all of the engaging sessions our fearless leaders have prepared for us. I always feel empowered after a Face 2 Face! Hearing what others are working on inspires me and having their […]
“Teaching, in its truest form, is simply inspiring other people to inspire each other, and to learn and grow together. It is about connection…” –Mary Tarashuk I keep thinking about why I do what I do. I believe that relationship and connection are the most important parts of teaching, and I want to be the […]
Don’t worry, I’m fine! Just trying to write my Action Plan blog post while trapped under the giant boulder of expectations… While trapped under this boulder I did manage to read this blog post about meaningful teaching. It’s kind of miraculous when you find someone writing about the exact thing that you are personally experiencing. […]
I’ve just finished cooking Guancetti di Manzo, a dish of beef braised in red wine. As I was preparing it, I tried to practice mindfulness, focusing my attention and bringing it back to the task at hand each time I found my mind wandering far and wide. I was moderately successful at noticing the orange of […]