Question 1: During the first face to face we used the language of Urgent vs Important to help frame our thinking around our use of TIME. Reflect on why you joined Cohort 21 and your professional goals for this year. Now that the year has begun and you have met your students what IMPORTANT goal might you like to address and…
Building a Student-Centric Well-being Resource Collection
What question guided your inquiry and action plan? (HMW?) How Might we… move towards building a collection of resources for students to reflect upon and self-regulate their well-being as needed depending on their age and stage? 2. What did you do and what impact did it have? It might sound simple, but I…
How might we…
How Might we… move towards building a collection of resources for students to reflect upon and self-regulate their well-being as needed depending on their age and stage? I’ve enjoyed the extra coaching sessions featured this year in Cohort. One of the activities that I connected to was an activity that Garth shared where we mapped…
Isn’t it all urgent? Still working on the ability to say no!
I cannot believe that October is next week! Where did September go? I feel this is a common educator lament, “Where did the time go?” Before sitting down to write this post on where I am at with what is urgent and what is important in my classroom right now, I went back through some…
Final Face to Face Sharing My Learning
Here is the slide deck for my sharing session today. I plan to add the video response after our final session. Stay tuned! Here we go! Cohort 21 – Season 11 Final Session
How might we…
How might we use feedback and assessments to best meet the needs of the learner?
Final Post for Season 10 – Sharing my learning
Using the RULER approach to help gauge motivation and engagement in wellness sessions.
1) What is your finalized HWM question? What question will guide your commitment to action? My finalized HMW question is as follows: How might we optimize motivation and engagement through wellness programming for our students and staff? I plan to guide my commitment to action by asking my students what is working well within our…
HMW optimize motivation and engagement through wellness?
1) What was the process like in coming up with your HMW question? Where did you land? Share your first attempt so we can see where your action plan is headed. I really enjoyed this process during our second face-to-face session. In particular, I thought The Power of a Good Question template that was shared…
Urgent vs Important – Reflections on the return to school
Question 1: During the first face to face we used the language of Urgent vs Important to help frame our discussions and thinking around the use TIME. Reflect on why you joined Cohort 21 and your professional goals for this year. Now that the year has begun and you have met your students what IMPORTANT …