Building a Reading Life

MY ACTION PLAN: TAKING A HARD LOOK AT MY OWN PRACTICE, AND WORKING FROM MY CLASSROOM OUT, I WILL STRENGTHEN THE READING CULTURE IN OUR SCHOOL. Because, as an English teacher, I feel like I’m good at getting my students excited about English; however, I’m not so sure I’m fostering a love of reading. (Yes, […]

Performing Shakespeare, Final Thoughts

Well, most importantly (I keep telling myself) we did it. We performed Shakespeare. And if I’m to consider it in terms of experiment – which it is – then I’ve achieved a necessary beginning on which to build. Sure enough, while the experience was NOT a total disaster, there is much building to be done. […]

Welcome to Cohort 21

Welcome to Cohort 21. This is the first post on your new blog. This journal is an integral part of your Cohort 21 experience. Here you will reflect, share and collaborate as you move through the C21 learning cycle towards your action plan. Cohort 21 is a unique professional development opportunity open to CIS Ontario […]