C21 – Better Together

Such an inspiring experience on Saturday being a part of C21 Season 7. I don’t know why it has taken me so long to get involved here. As I prepare to begin this journey, I’m not entirely sure where to start. With this, I know that I will start. I think the biggest obstacle that I have encountered throughout the course of my career is owning my ideas and developing the confidence to share them in the raw state from which they develop. I have a few ideas of how I am going to approach this year and am looking forward to sharing them with all of you. I’m also super keen to see and hear about what everyone else is doing. One of my biggest “take aways” from Saturday’s session was the authentic overlap between my own feelings/sentiments towards education and those who I spoke with. It was so refreshing to speak to other passionate educators who simply want to be better. We are better together. Much love.

One Reply to “C21 – Better Together”

  1. Sharing raw ideas takes trust and that can be scary but is important, and your blog expresses that with a beautiful succinctness. To me, the value of getting feedback on early ideas is that you don’t waste time trying to impress the wrong people.

    Congrats on publishing. (And great WP theme!)

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