There is January 1st and September 1st that many in education view as the beginning of a “New Year”. However, for us at Cohort 21, it’s also Oct. 15th – the date of our first F2F for 2016-17.
At this point, all the facilitators (@lmcbeth, @ddoucet, @rutheichholtz, @shelleythomas, @jmedved, @gnichols) have met to plan the day, and we’ve gotten in touch with our cadre of coaches (@jweening, @timrollwagen, @brenthurley, @adamcaplan, @cschindler, @jsmith, @rarcher, @egelleny, @vhcivan) to ensure that all the necessary support will be there for you.
You, our incoming participants need to know that collectively we have over 100 years of teaching experience in the people above, and we have over 50 years collective experience at Cohort 21. We are here to support you!
You’ve also been sent a link from us that is asking you to perform a task, connect with another member of Cohort 21, and then answer a question or two. This exercise is going to be used to deepen our community building and make sure that at the end of session one, we know at least 5 people really really way. Because that is a huge part of Cohort 21: community – a community that celebrates risk and success equally, a community that places emphasis on questions, not answers; and a community that believes in the power and possibility, and optimism of educators and students. Welcome.

One of the questions that you’ll be asked is: “If you were a T-shirt slogan, what would it be?” For some, it might be “I am a unicorn“, or it might be “The Original Innovator“, or “I got struck by lightening…and I loved it!“. Whatever your answer, there is no wrong one. In fact, your T-shirt slogan might be a question: “Is there such a think as Makerspace Magic?”, or “Yes, and how ca I help…?” We welcome you to take your first risk with your T-shirt slogan.
We are all looking forward to seeing you soon,
The Cohort 21 Team