A Thank You to Teachers


We don’t really have one of these in Canada, but in the US it is National Teacher Appreciation Day and, in the spirit of finding the good and making it your own, I’m helping to bring it north. 

It can be a rather thankless job sometimes – we work with students based on the faith that what we are doing now will remain, or at least become, important to them in the coming years. It’s a job that is tiring and challenging, and can make us run the gamut from joy and pride to disappointment and frustration (sometimes all in one class!).

Anyway, I just wanted to say “Thank You!” for whatever it is worth. It’s great teachers like you that made me want to become a teacher and great teachers like you that continue to reinforce in me that I made the right decision. There are better  “thank you” messages than I can pen coming in from all over the world of education, so I’ve copied a bunch below. Just in case anyone needs a pick-me-up.
“If I Knew Then: A Letter to Me on My First Day of Teaching”
Google says “Thank You” to teachers with “To the Moon”
And a video I find very inspiring on a number of levels: David Brooks’ TedTalk “Should You Live for Your Resume… Or Your Eulogy”. This has great takeaways for both student and teacher as it helps us refocus on what is important and aims to help us find a true work-life balance.
Again, thank you.

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