We were just getting to know each other…


I think Ruth said it perfectly when she reflected at the end of the final F2F session that happened this past Friday, that it seemed like we were all just getting to know each other and then this Cohort thing is over.

Perhaps it was because we all just went through something challenging together or perhaps it was the merriment of the post-PD-pub session, but I’m really going to miss this collection of keen Cohort21 colleagues.

Is it weird that I’m already starting to consider what I want to investigate next year (class badges as a way to track, encourage, and empower students with academic mindsets) or that I now really feel really invested in supporting my fellow CAIS teachers on their journeys?

I can’t remember if Garth or Justin said it, but just because the formal Cohort21 cycle is complete, the journey is just beginning!

Thanks for a great final session everyone (and don’t forget to comment on each other’s blogs)!


3 thoughts on “We were just getting to know each other…

  1. I owe you a giant barrel of thank yous, Celeste. Your blog comments helped make it feel like my wonderings and wanderings mattered, you turned me on to the Klingenstein Summer Institute, and your insights both in blog form and at our face-to-face meetings were always more than helpful and appreciated. I hope we can keep in touch. Enjoy your travels this summer!

  2. It happens all the time, doesn’t it? We all meet up, stay together for a while, and we are forced apart in at least one way that will never be the same…but the trick is to keep it up in some other way instead. And I love to see that. Keep the connection through teaching. And who knows? Maybe connections must just be felt to be learned…

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