I see that the new round of Cohort 21 has begun. Although I am not involved this year, I find that I am appreciating last year’s experience more and more as time goes on. I spent a lot of time reading and re-reading the Ministry’s Growing Success Document and thinking about gathering evidence of observations […]
Cohort21 Reflection
I have had many conversations about my action plan with teachers and administrators from my school and from other schools (former colleagues, friends, and participants I met at an AP conference a couple of weeks ago). Particularly interesting to me were the three group discussions I conducted during prep periods with colleagues fortunate enough to […]
I feel good about my refined Action Plan. In our focus groups this morning, it became clear that the managing qualitative data is a challenge for all lots of people. We shared some of our thoughts on WallWisher while we were having our face to face discussion. Then over lunch, Jen Bibby mentioned the paper […]
So here we go. . . I am excited to be a part of this team of teachers from CIS Ontario schools. Teaching can be such an isolated profession and it is nice to have time set aside for sharing ideas. A full day of learning, discussions, and thinking has left me both excited and […]
I have couple of lingering thoughts regarding students after today’s face to face. Students and privacy: I am interested in finding out what policies some school have developed around students publishing school work online (for example on youtube). As one of the yearbook advisors at my school as well as a media club advisor, these issues […]
I am a Chemistry, Physics and Math teacher. I have been teaching at Bayview Glen School since 2005. Prior to that, I spent four years at Damascus Community School in Damascus, Syria, and two years at Western Canada High School in Calgary, Alberta. I am excited to be a part of Cohort 21, a community of […]
Welcome to Cohort 21 The Cohort 21 Network. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Cohort 21 is a unique professional development opportunity open to teachers and school leaders who are seeking to build a learning network amongst CIS Ontario member schools. The Cohort 21 community will be built on […]