Show up to go up!

This is a cliche, I know. However, it’s kind of true. No matter how much you have done at this point, you, Season 7 Cohort21ees, are going to show up today in less than 2 hrs. The time is now!

Speaking of time… and often I do… I read a really timely and personally motivating blog entry through Twitter this morning by Chad Ostrowski (the CEO of Teach Better Team) where he talks about the fact that “There’s Still Time To Make A Change!” – and there is! Whether you have had ‘time’ to prepare for today’s F2F or not, you are still going to show up, and trust me, it’s going to be worth it!

(image from Chad’s blog)

In his blog, Chad talks about three main steps that help us make changes in the face of feeling like there isn’t enough time:

  1. Changes don’t have to be huge.
  2. There is always enough time… we just think there isn’t.
  3. Commit!

Well Season 7, as @jmedved wrote in his first blog for today’s session, many of you have been committed since May! Check #1!

And, the fact that small changes are still changes was really important for me, so if you’ve heard alumni say things like ‘try not to bite off more than you can chew’ or something similar to that, remember: any change is a change. Make it a positive one, even if it feels infinitely small at the time, and ta-da! You are a officially a change-maker. 🙂 So… check #2!

Now for the middle part, I recommend you actually check out what Chad has to say (the like is above where I put the title of the blog entry), and what everyone else you meet on this journey has to say. Listening to each other is learning, and this kind of #cohort21 learning is innovative. It’s going to be a great journey, and you are never going to feel like you have enough time, but that’s because time is by it’s nature, limited (24hrs/day, not 25). So, just know that the time you do spend will be worthwhile. Spend what you can, and of course, show up!


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