Twitter-centric! … Wait a minute… Student-centric?

(AKA My Response to the 3rd F2F Session… Part I)


My original draft for my action plan post (which clearly did not make it to the published realm) focused on Twitter. I have been excited about Twitter since my first Twitter chat back in the fall of 2014, and I dove in faster to this tool then any other of our Cohort 21 Toolkit.

I started imagining Twitter for Teachers. Twitter-chats too! Twitter for my students seeing as some of them are getting their friends to tweet out homework already. Twitter as an aid for flipping classrooms… my lists went on… and all of my ideas stayed focused around Twitter.

Even when I discovered Boldomatic (see the above kindness quote from today’s icebreaker) and Symbaloo recently (exemplar picture below, but both of which everyone in this group should check out!), I thought about how my students could tweet out bold ideas or their research icon maps…


Suddenly, I was invested. Invested in this Twitterific World. I am not by nature tunnel-visioned, but, I was crushed when I was not given the go-ahead from my school to have my students use Twitter in (and out) of my classroom. I had trouble thinking of another idea. I even forgot that my original idea was about getting my colleagues on Twitter to gain some of the skills I have through this experience.

It took today’s F2F morning experience to re-spark my action plan excitement. The problem is not that my colleagues and/or students are or are not using Twitter — the problems are that my colleagues need collaboration and PD, and my students need to be engaged.

So I am now at a bit of a fork in the road. I know Leslie mentioned she is looking at two very different options as well, and now I feel like I must either choose my colleagues or my students. So on that note… here are my initial responses from today!

  • What are my immediate next steps (who do I network with? What do I read/watch?)

1. Decide between my two options

2. Network with Katerina (I’ll update her link soon!) and the rest of the awesome Cohort 21 Crew!

  • When will I publish next? (what is my classroom schedule? When do I want feedback?)

1. Publish? Next week.

2. Schedule? Brutal… but that’s nothing new!

3. Feedback? I always welcome it, especially if anyone has thoughts about which option I should select! But, definitely after I select one and start to run with it (i.e. when my next posting happens!).

  • How will I present my findings/exploration? (movie, powerpoint, prezi, blog, etc…)

1. Hmmm…. I hadn’t thought about that yet…

2. Still thinking…

3. I’ll put this in the next blog instalment regarding my Action Plan!


This was a FANTASTIC DAY! Thanks everyone for all of the sharing and discussions! I’m off to chaperone Ski Club Night! 🙂


12 thoughts on “Twitter-centric! … Wait a minute… Student-centric?

    1. Amazing amazing AMAZING! Thanks so much for the resources! I have taken a look at both and I am adapting them for what I think might work… I’ll post something when I get a working document, and I’d welcome feedback, obviously, as soon as that happens!
      I’m SO grateful to be a part of this experience. And, I’m realizing just how helpful and supportive this environment is and can be when you are checking the posts, etc.
      I’m going to go comment on a few blogs because these comments have been instrumental in kick-starting my action plan into actual action.

  1. I hear the tugging on your heart strings when trying to decide between your peers and your students. It might important to note that you can’t change everything in one year. I totally felt that same level of inspiration and wanting to do EVERYTHING after my first few F2F sessions. The good news is that you are always part of the Cohort and next year you can jump right back in where you left off!

    1. It is great to hear that… I do feel like I could use a two year approach. I’ve really started to dial it back a bit… just so that what I hopefully am able to do is just that – doable. I also find it is challenging to find something that I can do that will impact positive change for the whole school, and so, I think I have to reassess my own goals with that – perhaps it is ok if it starts a mindset shift, even for a few of the staff members.
      Thanks for your comment, Celeste!

  2. Hi Elissa,

    Looking at @jmedved‘s ideas, have you made any progress? You may want to try and get a physical Twitter board going first and foremost. Borrowing from “Making Thinking Visible” you can use a prompt (like in a Twitter Chat) and post it in the staff room, and provide sticky notes so that staff can contribute to it.

    Just a thought to start small if you’re experiencing resistance…

    Looking forward to an update!

    1. Garth,

      I know I will experience resistance – ran some of my ideas by one staff member and there was immediate fear and unwillingness to even make a Twitter account. I get it… I felt quite similarly before I ripped of the anti-social-media-band-aid… but perspective is funny, isn’t it?! I want all of my co-workers to have this wonderful opportunity, but I’m not sure that’s realistic? So as I mentioned in a couple of other responses, I really want the focus to be on the growth mindset shift. Twitter will be the vehicle.
      Hope that makes sense…
      I love the idea about the Making Thinking Visible… I may try and do that as early as next week. I want to get this started before March Break so people can (if they want) play around with some of the ideas and media tools during the break.
      I am actually going to do that tomorrow… I’ll keep you posted (and in a timely fashion, let’s hope!)
      Also, I should post this for everyone, but in the meant time I’ll include it in this comment… I think all Cohort 21 members should check out this Big Data Challenge – big data analysis is something the next generation/current generation is going to need in their toolboxes, I think! I’ve got some stuff on Twitter already, but perhaps we can chat more at some point!

  3. Hey Elissa,
    Have you decided on a path yet? I’m yet to make any big moves on my Twitterific plan to engage my colleagues with Twitter, so I’m excited to hear about your progress.

    Do you mind if I ask what the resistance to students using Twitter was based on? I’d be interested to hear how that played out.

    As far as teachers go, thanks to @jmedved and @gnichols for sharing those resources – I’m also going to borrow from them for Greenwood. You might also want to do a little survey of your colleagues to see how many of them are already on Twitter and what they primarily use it for. This might give you some insight into your users.

    Looking forward to hearing more and swapping ideas. Maybe you, me and @mwallace should have a Hangout on the PD piece. Anyone else out there want to join us?


    1. I am in a similar boat – I have been so busy with all that is going on in the CIS and VC worlds at the moment, and yet, tomorrow I will lead a staff meeting (or part of it) where I explain what I’m hoping to do… so what I have been doing is thinking about what really matters. Based upon our round table discussion that you led at the most recent F2F, your message of the underlying goal vs. just wanting my students on Twitter hit home. I’ve realized the under-current for me needs to be a Growth Mindset for the staff first, and I think a workable stepping stone could be Twitter. That’s where I’m at now. Going to do a short presentation (hopefully – it’s pending admin approval) about growth mindset and Twitter.
      How about you? Presumably this comment was sent before today (it’s Feb. 26, and I can’t seem to see when you sent yours!).

    2. I just figured out about 10 minutes ago how to see ALL of your comment… (and everyone else’s)… I was looking at them through the dashboard and all the comments ended in ” … ”

      That should have tipped me off sooner! 😉

      Yes, we should have a hangout. What I need to do is have my email I set-up for this (@jmedved warned me I should just use one I already checked, and yes, he was correct!) cohort, forwarded to my email I actually check… I don’t know why I was so resistant to that… but I need to remember my own hurdles as I approach my colleagues I think!

      So, @mwallace and @lmcbeth, when would a good hangout time be? I could make something work this weekend… not sure what everyone else’s plans are. I have OFSAA Swim Champs next week, and Parent Teacher Interviews, but I’m willing to make it work… so throw out some times and I am going to be checking this site multiple times a day now… I think I’ve finally realized I can’t do this on my own and I WANT to help others… Thanks for your support!!!

    1. Hiya Les! Sound’s great!
      I just finished coaching at the OFSAA Swim Champs… so it’s been a crazy last week… yes after Tuesday next week would work for me… what about @mwallace &@ddoucet … any thoughts?

      I attempted my first part of my plan… blog to follow later today or tomorrow… so I’ll let you know how that went (it was actually pretty successful!) in more detail then.

      Good luck with the last hoorah! before the break!

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