Hey there Thinkers!
I cannot believe it has been so long since I last posted, or should I say since my first post! I had such high intentions of posting weekly, but life got in the way and you know what I learned yesterday… that is okay. 🙂 We are all human and reflection is such an integral part of growth, which brings me to today.

Suggestions to my problem from our very own experts
Suggestions to my problem from our very own experts

Yesterday in our F2F Session 2, we focussed on Design Thinking and our Action Plans. For the better part of a month now, I have been fueling the fire to share my passion on what I think my action plan should be. Yesterday, I shared, collaborated, thought, reflected and rethought through the Design Thinking process here at Cohort21. Not only were my thoughts, feelings and direction heard, they were fueled by even more expertise then I ever thought imaginable! A shout out to @danielleganley for your continuous love, support, partnership and above all your wealth of knowledge. Also thank you to @mjohn, @vkraus and @mjolicoeur for your open communication and collaboration throughout the day. I am so fortunate to have developed such great friendships and partnerships already and believe it or not, it has only been a month! WOW!

The Design Thinking process, prior to our second F2F session was a term I had heard of but had only experienced once in our first F2F session. I understood it but did not connect with it. Through our work yesterday, the Design Thinking process became completely visible as a process and journey towards rethinking a problem in order to find the right solution. I knew the problem I was facing and wanted to explore as an action plan but it wasn’t until I became vulnerable, opened myself up for feedback and truly had those authentic conversations with other members of Cohort21 yesterday, that I knew I was in fact on the right path and let me tell you….my fire has now been ignited! YEE HAW!

Reflection from Post 1:
For the goals below, were to be completed by November 21st (latest)
Goal 1 (smashed Twitter and Kahoot): to familiarize myself with Diigo, Padlet, Twitter Chats and Kahoot-
Goal 2: to redesign my blog (smashed)
Goal 3: participate in 1 Twitter Chat (smashed)
Goal 4: post 1 article to Diigo (needs work)

New Goals to be completed by December 16th:
Goal 1: Post at least once a week to my blog
Goal 2: To post my thoughts on my action plan
Goal 3: Meet with @gnichols to discuss my action plan
Goal 4: Begin to gather evidence to support my action plan

Until next time…

3 thoughts on “Design Thinking or Rethinking?!

  1. Hey, Can’t wait to meet and discuss more with you. There is a wealthy of knowledge and areas of exploration in your action plan broad topic. @allisonharding is a great resource for sure cohort21.com/allisonharding if only to get a sense of how her action plan grew. Who knows what yours might evolve into: you taking on a role within your school to support student social-emotional growth!
    Looking forward to reading your posts on a weekly basis 🙂

  2. Vanessa,
    Sounds like it was a productive day for you! It’s great to know that Cohort 21 has become a safe space for members to connect and share ideas.
    Your How Might We…question reminds me of @dneville‘s action plan from last year (another #BVGLearns teacher), if you haven’t already, you should check out his work on mindfulness in the classroom (http://cohort21.com/dannyneville/). I think some of his work might apply to your goal of meeting students emotional needs. The personalization piece is a great approach, and I look forward to reading more about your progress.
    – Les

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