I’ve drank the Kool-Aid

Photo stolen from Adam Caplan (thanks dude).

Being able to be part of this learning community for three years now feels like being part of the cool club. I’ve drank the Kool-Aid and it’s quite tasty!

Each session on Twitter that Danielle and I ran, I learned something new. By no means am I a Twitter expert, so discovering new people to follow, new aspects of Tweetdeck, and new strategies to grow my PLN reminded me of how grateful I am to be a learner for life.

I am excited to explore Flubaroo, No More Red Ink, linking Doctopus with Google Classroom, and Goobric when I have some downtime to digest everything I’ve been exposed to today.




2 thoughts on “I’ve drank the Kool-Aid

  1. Celeste,
    As I write this, you are running along the Lakeshore in the Half-Marathon! I hope it’s going well!

    One of the reasons Justin and I enjoy Cohort 21 so much is that we get so much out of each and every session – it look like you and @brenthurley are on the same page as well! It’s a great to learn new things and see things from a new perspective when you are having to explain these tools to ppl who have never used them before!

    I would also recommend that you check out @hapara as it is a great solution for distributing, assessing and returning student assignments via googledocs!

    Great work yesterday!

  2. Hey Celeste,
    Great reflection! I agree 100%. In working with Classroom, Doctopus and Goobric, I found it really useful as a place to submit any and all work to get quick effective feedback from me.
    In speaking with Garth, we share the same issue on Classroom – the organisation of it. To quote Garth – “It’s linear and we all know learning isn’t”. Kids find it hard to find things but the assignment feature helps them to organise what they need to do.

    I would love to Hangout sometime if you’d like to see an example and I’d love your feedback in return – I’ve got one more week of my MOOC, so I am expecting a lot more free time to dedicate to Cohort21!

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