Hey Remember Me? Cohort21 v2.0

I am so excited to be a part of the Cohort in the capacity of a coach this year. Last year I spent a lot of time exploring David Allen’s GTD techniques and applying them to the systems we use at my school, particularly Google Calendar. This year I have yet to decide whether I want to continue to extend those ideas or start on something new. I feel energized after the first F2F and feel the possibilities for growth are limitless. I haven’t had a lot of exposure to design thinking and I am eager to learn more about the practice and how I might apply it to my projects and in the classroom.

A few personal goals:

  • Use Diigo more extensively – I tend to email myself the links to articles and then star with different colours to give them importance. However, most of the time I never really read them or they get buried under a pile of other responsibilities. I plan to start sending these articles to Diigo and also to make a consorted effort to read and annotate them. Then I want to share them to the group so that others can benefit from the time and pay it forward.
  • Be more active on Twitter – I only was able to make one Twitter chat last year. I want to try and do a few more of those this year and also to branch out and join a chat that isn’t associated with Cohort21. This way I will get a deeper understanding of what this year’s cohort members are working on and continue to build my PLN.
  • Support and encourage the Blue group (and everyone else) – Fittingly our school colour is predominantly blue so cheering for the blue team comes naturally to me. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me via twitter or email.

It has been a while since I blogged and it feels good to dust off the old keyboard and fire some words out into the internet / galaxy.  If you find yourself wondering what you might write about in your first blog maybe you can follow my lead and set some goals for yourself to help motivate you and make the best of your Cohort21 experience.

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