Life at my school can be hectic and overwhelming at times, maybe most of the time. Being organized and leveraging the technology available in a smart way will help you manage your workload and reduce stress. I plan to develop a way to organize yourself using the framework of David Allen’s “Five Simple Steps That Apply Order to […]
Friday afternoon, my brain slowly burning out from another week of information overload and a new tweet grabs my attention. I find myself mustering up enough energy to quickly respond to the question posed by my colleague. Is the flipped class model here to stay? I thought I could answer the question in a succinct […]
Gathered in a room on an early Saturday morning sit 30 champions, ready to learn, lead, and be champions for technology in education. What struck me that morning was how enjoyable the experience was and how energized and exhausted I felt. In David Williams’ The 7 Secret Traits Of Enduring Champions he outlines some qualities […]