Sharing is scary. Hope I am not the only one who feels this way.

I do not like to be the centre of attention, as I tend to want my students to be in the forefront. Strange as I am literally in the centre of my students everyday and they are more or less paying attention to me during part of every single day.  But I feel this process will pull me out of the background which is scary but I think valuable…..

Like in that moment when you are about to jump off a cliff into the water. Fear, followed by exhilaration, jubilation, and finally accomplishment. At the end of the day yesterday that is precisely how I felt.






7 thoughts on “Sharing is scary. Hope I am not the only one who feels this way.

  1. Melissa, I’m 100% with you. In fact, haven’t posted my first blog yet as I feel intimidated by the stage of the ‘world wide web.’ Thanks for taking the plunge, as I’m sure you’ve inspired many (not just me) to do the same.

  2. Thanks for saying so! There is something about the Internet that makes me feel strangely isolated and exposed all at the same time. Looking forward to reading your first post.

  3. Way to go Melissa! Taking that first step is the hardest part. You words will be so helpful to the many who feel EXACTLY the same way. Thank you for helping pave the way for others.

  4. Yup, I’m with you Melissa. Definitely feeling vulnerable. I was resistant to having any social media prior to this experience. And now I’m out there with my full name and picture attached to a blog too!

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