c21_logo_mediumWelcome to you Cohort 21 Blog. This journal is an integral part of your Cohort 21 experience. Here you will reflect, share , collaborate  and converse as you move through the C21 Action Plan process. 

This is your first post and an opportunity to share a little bit about yourself as a learner and leader. Please respond the to the following prompts below:

1) Reflect on your own personal learning journey and K-12 education. Identify one learning experience that you can point to as having made a significant impact on some element of your own growth and development. It could be that teacher and subject that really sparked significant growth or a trip that opened your eyes to a whole new world or way of thinking or a non-catastrophic failure that you learned so much from.

My Grade 10 English teacher Ms. Kidd both inspired me on a classroom learning and personal level. She encouraged us to showcase our learning in a variety of ways and tie in our interests into the class. This for me involved creating visual narratives of the books I was reading, cooking a dish from a culture or country related to what we were learning with the class as an aid for my presentations. She taught me that all subjects could be relatable, engaging  and interesting for students if we provide them with opportunities to create and explore their own interests in alignment with the curriculum.

On a personal level, she inspired me to travel as soon as I graduated and to pursue a career in international education (I spent 7 years working at Canadian international schools in Mainland China and Hong Kong) through her amazing stories of working and travelling to Japan and backpacking through Lebanon and India.


2) What is the one Learning skill (MOE) or Approach to Learning (IB ATL) that you feel is MOST important in this day and age? How do you intentionally build it into your curriculum and develop it in your students throughout the year?

For me it is initiative as I would consider myself an action oriented person. It is so important to just start and DO something as opposed to being worried about perfection which just leads to analysis paralysis!

3) Insert an image below that best captures the essence of that Learning Skill or ATL.

Image taken from: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Nike-Tick-Just-Do-It-Poster-Wall-Art-Print-Card-or-Canvas-/271989120192


3 thoughts on “My best learning experience

  1. Thanks @mhoskins for sharing your experience! I love your approach to learning & just doing! Analysis paralysis is such a strong force that keeps many from being agents of change. I have appreciated the support of Cohort 21 and encouragement to “just start and DO something!” Letting go of the need to know where you will end up is the best spot to begin any journey and an amazing place to start the C21 experience. I’m looking forward to meeting you tomorrow!

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