My Cohort 21 Journey 

My Cohort 21 experience has been invaluable and most rewarding!  It has made me rethink how I teach lessons and making them more meaningful for the students through inquiry based learning; involving students in their own learning; getting their feedback as to what they like and what they think worked.  At the conferences, sharing with other educators, listening to their wise input and receiving suggestions was immeasurable.  I learned that it is not always about written product but it is the process which is important; relating what they learn to their own lives.


I must admit I was quite apprehensive before the first conference but felt such relief after meeting everyone and realizing how helpful and welcoming they were.  I also learned to do various tech things such as twitter, my google slide deck presentation and blogging which I would never have attempted had it not been for Cohort 21!


Thank you so much to everyone at Cohort 21 for all their help!  It has been the best PD with wonderful facilitators and coaches!!  You were always there to assist, give guidance and reassurance.  Such kindness and patience are well appreciated!

Many thanks!

6 thoughts on “My Cohort 21 Journey

  1. Congratulations Lina, implementing change into your teaching practice can be uncomfortable and challenging, but as you mentioned YOU learned a lot during YOUR process! You might also be interested in checking out Project Based Learning! It can be messy in the middle but so rewarding as you have experienced with your students. Keep blogging and Tweeting if you are able, you will find both so rewarding! See you Friday!

  2. Fantastic summary Lina! You set a goal to shift your approach to teaching and embraced the process of inquiry as a model learner this year! I wondered if you have been recommended the book ‘A More Beautiful Question’ by Warren Berger? This gets at helping students learn how to craft more critical inquiry questions to guide their learning. You might enjoy! I look forward to learning of your next steps! All the best.

  3. I’m so proud of your Twitter and blogging progress this year @lturnbull! You’ve made some awesome observations about the nature of your teaching, it’s great to hear you keeping such an open mind when trying new things! You’re so right about the experimentation of teaching: even if you’ve been teaching the same grades or same classes for many years, each day and each lesson is a chance to try something new and meaningful with our students. Keep exploring along with the kids! 🙂

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