I have been trying to infuse more inquiry based learning into my lessons.  I introduced Parts of the Root this week with the grade 1 students beginning with an essential question which they came up- how does the water get sucked up by the roots?  They decided that some of them would go to the library to investigate their question by taking out some books on Roots.  This now set them off on an inquiry of their own.  Then we began looking at the parts of the root with the nomenclature.

I also resumed my novel study on Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I included them in my design and planning process which was to come next.   I asked for feedback so far from the students as to what they thought of the follow up questions so far and what they thought of an idea to draw about their favourite meal- this discussion led to the formulation of a new follow up sheet which could be used for various ideas- favourite meal, favourite foods or their perfect town- multi faceted and was good for all- not dictating what they could draw but we came up with a variety of ideas.  They also felt watching the movie would be fun at the end of doing the study.


More to come!