c21_logo_mediumWelcome to Cohort 21. This is the first post on your new blog. This journal is an integral part of your Cohort 21 experience. Here you will reflect, share and collaborate as you move through the C21 learning cycle towards your action plan.

Cohort 21 is a unique professional development opportunity open to CIS Ontario teachers and school leaders who are seeking to explore  what it means to a teacher in the 21st century.


2 thoughts on “Welcome to Cohort 21

  1. @lturnbull

    I am looking forward to connecting this Saturday at our next face to face. If you can find a moment to post your “homework” that would give us (@acampbellrogers @mneale @ashaikh @gvogt) some great insight into what you perceive as being most urgent and an in need of “Action” at this point in the year. This will help in the data gathering process that will serve your action plan.

    Hope you are well!


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