Question 1: During the first face to face we used the language of Urgent vs Important to help frame our thinking around our use of TIME. Reflect on why you joined Cohort 21 and your professional goals for this year. Now that the year has begun and you have met your students what IMPORTANT goal might you like to address and leverage this community to get support with.
I joined the Cohort 21 because I am very interested in design thinking and AI in my class.
I am a math and physics teacher. Through my 3 – decades teaching experience I have found the Inquiry based teaching strategy as one the most powerful teaching strategies. The class is driven by students. The students are active learners and they get fully engaged in class. It also fuels students curiosity. Often the students become part of decision making determine what they really need to learn. This student centered teaching strategy coupled with technology in my class makes teaching and learning math really very enjoyable.
Can use of AI make inquiry based teaching strategy even more powerful and productive?
Question 2: Which of the Season 11 Strands resonates with you and why? Share what you feel is both urgent and important about it for you and your school at the moment and some of the questions you have around moving forward.
DEIJ is one of Season 11 Strands that resonates with me. When I prepare my lesson my concern is always about it to be inclusive. I ask myself: Am I teaching math and science to every student in my class? Am I reaching out to all of my students? My class is very diverse. It is a class of students that come from different backgrounds, different cultures. Their needs are different. They face different challenges. When I choose different worksheets, I try for every student to have the opportunity to learn what they need and how much they need. It is very important also to make sure that every student has access to all resources that they need.
How might I further ensure that my teaching is responsive to DEIJ challenges and opportunities?
I wonder if AI can help at this point. And if so, how?
So glad you joined Cohort 21! Looking forward to your posts.
@iqatipi I hope this comment finds you well. We have one week to go before our 2nd face to face, and I just wanted to check in to see how you are doing. Your support group facilitator and team of coaches are standing by to read and give you feedback on the post above. If you can jump in and answer the questions (see above) this weekend or next week, it will help us personalize your support.
Looking forward to seeing you next weekend at the York School!
Hi Justin,
Thank you for your message. I am working on questions now.
Looking forward to seeing you and everybody tomorrow.
Thank you for your support,