My first post



I’m going rogue!

  • Reflection

I spent so much of my education quiet, shy and totally intimidated by everything. I shut down and meekly made my way through. I was a rule follower to the Nth degree. In High School I started to find and get comfortable with the power of my voice and I haven’t been quiet since! I also have a hard time following the rules … advance apologies … actually let’s be honest, advance warning is fairer! (I want to say more fair but Grammarly shamed me)

  • What do I want my students to leave with?

I want them to know that a level 4 doesn’t mean they’re all that and a bag of chips. I want them to know that a level 1 doesn’t mean they’re destined for unhappiness. I want them to see that kindness, patience and the ability to really listen will give far more power than their grades. I want them to accept and understand what difference and diversity are and why they are so valuable. I want them to be able to connect and to make lasting and positives connections. I want them to be strong enough to do the right thing when it’s going to set them up for some hurt and discomfort. I want them to know that I’m rooting for them. I want for them what I so desparately needed.