planning your first cohort 21 portfolio Blog post

Step 1


Now that you have gotten to know your students as learners, identify and describe their three most urgent needs at this time. These NEEDS could be skills, mindsets, resources, etc

1 – L’autorégulation chez les élèves 

Mieux la développer et la renforcer chez nos élèves afin qu’ils gèrent et s’investissent mieux dans leur propre démarche d’apprentissage et fassent ainsi preuve d’une meilleure maîtrise de soi et une plus grande autonomie.

1 – Self-regulation among students

To better develop and strengthen it in our students so that they can better manage and invest themselves in their own learning process and thus demonstrate better self-control and greater autonomy.

2- la réflexion personnelle de l’élève dans son apprentissage

A student reflexion for growth a été mis en place dans notre école, l’année dernière. Nous devons la retravailler cette année afin qu’elle soit efficace pour l’élève afin d’améliorer ses résultats dans son apprentissage et de pouvoir se responsabiliser au niveau de son apprentissage. En français, en lecture, en écriture et en communication orale.

2- the student’s personal reflection in his or her learning

A student reflexion for growth was implemented in our school last year. We need to rework it this year so that it is effective for the student to improve his or her learning outcomes and to be able to take responsibility for his or her learning. In French, reading, writing and oral communication. 

3- Learning French as a second language and student’s motivation.

Help better my Ex intro students and in learning French. Differentiate better the course content to reduce gaps with student’s levels of French?

Promotion dans notre école de la langue française. Améliorer la fréquence, la qualité et la sophistication de la communication orale en français. Créer le désir et la motivation personnelle de parler davantage le français chez le personnel et les élèves jusqu’à ce qu’il devienne naturel,  intrinsèque.


Help better my Ex intro students and in learning French. Differentiate better the course content to reduce gaps with student’s levels of French?

Promotion of the French language in our school. Improve the frequency, quality and sophistication of oral communication in French. Create the desire and personal motivation for staff and students to speak more French until it becomes natural, intrinsic.

Step 2

Based on those needs, write three opening questions that you can ask your learners to discover more about their needs. Use these three prompts to start your questions.

  1. Comment mettre en place dans nos salles de classe des stratégies telles que : l’autoévaluation, l’apprentissage autonome, l’auto-questionnement, l’autocontrôle, l’autocorrection, l’établissement d’objectifs et l’auto-renforcement permettant aux élèves de mieux s’autoréguler et de devenir l’artisan de leur propre apprentissage ?


  1. How can we implement strategies in our classrooms such as: self-assessment, self-directed learning, self-questioning, self-monitoring, self-correction, goal setting and self-reinforcement that enable students to better regulate themselves and become the architects of their own learning?


  1. Comment améliorer le dossier de suivi des évaluations afin que les élèves puissent y faire une réflexion efficace leur permettant de progresser, de prendre mieux en charge son apprentissage et de se fixer des objectifs réalistes et atteignables ?


  1. How can the assessment follow-up file be improved so that students can reflect effectively on it, enabling them to progress, take better charge of their learning and set realistic and achievable goals?

3. Could you tell me what is the degree of motivation of learning French in your own school?             Do you have in place activities, committees, strategies, others?





1 thought on “planning your first cohort 21 portfolio Blog post

  1. @cgazet, congrats on the great post and most of all putting your ideas out there. From the perspective of French, I’m sure you’re going to find many who are able to echo your sentiments. Check out the amazing work of @ddoucet who has worked incredibly hard in his school to build an overall active culture of language acquisition. Your other two questions are also doozies and I look forward to watching the path you follow. I believe you’re confronting culture as much as anything else and so you should begin getting excited about how you can have fun with how so many aspects of learning are presented. For instance, I have found meaningful self-reflection correlates strongly with approach, timing, expectations, tone, etc… I look forward to seeing where you might take this through the design process next Saturday. Amazing Corinne.

    @acampbellrogers @mneale @ashaikh @gnichols @jmedved

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