Urgent vs Important – Reflections on the return to school



Question 1: During the first face to face we used the language of Urgent vs Important to help frame our discussions and thinking around the use TIME. Reflect on why you joined Cohort 21 and your professional goals for this year. Now that the year has begun and you have met your students what IMPORTANT  goal might you like to address and leverage this community to get support with.

Question 2: Which of the Season 10 Strands did you choose and why? Share what you feel is both urgent and important about it for you and your school at the moment and some of the questions you have around moving forward. Feel free to change strands should you want to.

I was attracted to Cohort 21 as a place to connect and interact with folks who are in a space and place to challenge and broaden their thinking, while supporting each other on their learning journeys. I was thrilled to learn there was a cohort of individuals who were dedicated to setting time aside to delve deeper into their practice. In relation to Urgent vs Important, I believe Cohort 21 will offer me the opportunity to set aside dedicated time to make sure I will be held accountable to focus on the Important. I also look forward to the feedback I hope to receive from colleagues to help broaden my thinking.  

There have been a couple of things that have been swimming around in my head for the past few years. It was on a drive home this past week that I started to see how these ideas actually were intersecting with each other. Although I started in the EDIJ strand, it seems like I am wanting to jump into the strand associated with Leadership and Wellness. It seems like wellness will continue to be a consistent, urgent and important aspect of schooling moving forward. I believe, as of right now, my goals are situated around  answer the following questions:

  1.  How and to what effect might knowing about Indigenous leadership frameworks impact how we lead in schools?
  2.  How and to what effect might knowing about Indigenous constructs related to wellness impact school wellness.