Cycles of Collaboration: Technology Enabled Learning @ VC


Since putting together some preliminary ideas about my action plan, a lot has happened at VC. The outstanding @lmcbeth provided our staff TPACKwith an absolutely fantastic professional development session to introduce the concept of technology enabled learning. Through modelling Leslie showed us how to “leverage technology to engage students, while managing behaviour”. We were exposed to the potential of tools such as Todays Meet, EdPuzzle, Socrative, Poll Everywhere, Google Slides, and Padlet. But this PD was also grounded in theory; Leslie covered the SAMR and TPACK models of technology integration, providing us with an excellent foundation from which to begin our own inquiry into technology enabled learning.

At that staff meeting @egelleny and I announced a follow up twitter chat to extend the topics introduced by @lmcbeth. Building on Elissa’s own Cohort 21 Action Plan from last year, we hosted VC’s first ever twitter chat which was a success. We discussed topics such as how we might use the SAMR and/or TPACK models as lens for improving and reflecting on our technology use in the classroom, the definition of pedagogy, the process of choosing technology tools, and so much more.

The morning after this exciting twitter chat, when I was speaking with @jeniferm1971, a colleague, we expressed a desire to know more about how technology was being used in people’s classrooms. We recognized that we would be provided with another opportunity to engage in a F2F on our PD day. In discussion with @egelleny we arranged a Lunch & Learn where teachers could showcase the technology they were utilizing within their classrooms. This F2F was very well attended, and teachers shared amazingly engaging and creative projects with us. Our grade 10 science teacher, @Mr_Bornstein, utilized Wikia as a means of teaching researching skills to students studying a biology unit. @MsBitondo, our grade 9 English teacher, utilized EdPuzzle to engage students in their unit on Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. We also discussed the use of Timetoast, Thinglink, and Blabberize. The best part about this F2F wasn’t necessarily the tools we introduced to each other, it was the open and free discussion about the successes and challenges we had using these tools as vehicles for student learning.

VC’s Cycles of Collaboration journey took a much needed pause for report card time and the March break.

When we returned from our much needed rest, we engaged in another F2F in our early April staff meeting. During this Professional Development opportunity teachers were group in their departments and asked to work collaboratively on a TPACK graphic organizer where they would identify the content, pedagogy, and technology of their subjects and examine the intersection of these knowledge fields. Teachers shared lessons and activities and collaboratively worked toward meaningfully integrating technology into their thinking about their practice. The focus in this professional development was to engage collaboration and extend our collective thinking about technology, so I decided to go relatively low tech for this F2F (check out the Google Slides).

All in all, it’s been an exciting roller-coaster ride. I have been challenged to push beyond my own comfort zone, reflect more deeply about my own learning, understand where my colleagues are coming from in terms of comfort with technology, and be open to any and all possibilities.

As a school, we have also been challenged. Since this is VC’s first year with our 1:1 laptop program, anxiety was high and we didn’t really know what to expect. If anything, what we are hoping these collaborative opportunities have done is helped everyone know that we can tackle any challenge (no matter how daunting!) when we pool our knowledge and skills.

We are an amazing staff, and this year has really helped us realize this fact. GO KNIGHTS! GO BLUE!

Check out my Action Plan Prezi!

3 thoughts on “Cycles of Collaboration: Technology Enabled Learning @ VC

  1. Wow! Tanya. @gnichols and I often talk about “leading from the middle” and that is exactly what you are doing. I am so pleased you invited @lmcbeth to VC to share and help you shift the culture of your school. I know first hand how challenging starting a 1:1 programme can be. For many teachers is can be intimidating and stressful process and if they are not clear on “WHY” the technology is there in the first place then it can be challenging to shift to the “HOW” of meaningful integration. It sounds like you addressed both really well in your sessions. Kicking off with an outside but local (Greenwood) voice was a great energizer but you also sustained that momentum with your Twitter chats and your follow up TPAK session. The processing time in between sessions was probably appreciated. Well done! You and @egelleny are doing such great work over at VC and have much to be proud of. I’m looking forward to learning more on Friday.


    @shelleythomas @brenthurley @rutheichholtz

  2. WOW!! Clearly you have an amazing, engaged staff at VC. Designing a year of ongoing collaboration around technology integration is no small feat, but it sounds like you have made it a valuable experience for everyone. Congratulations! I’m always amazed at what happens in other departments, and often find it inspiring to see what they are doing. It’s amazing how useful twitter can be *within* a school community – it’s become a great place for sharing at York, and the students are even excited to share with our #yorklearns hashtag (thanks to @jmedved broadcasting the tweets in the building!) I’m sure you’ll be able to keep the momentum going next year and I hope you keep blogging about it!

  3. I have to agree with @reichholtz about the engaged staff. I want @lmcbeth to come and lead PD here at LCS! It’s amazing that you continue to offer you faculty support and a venue for sharing successes with tech! Do you have a #VCLearns? That way teachers within your building can share what they are doing online as well so that everyone can see it.

    I can imagine that you and @egelleny are a dynamic duo! Here is something that @adamcaplan shared on Twitter on the power of pairs!

    Going 1:1 couldn’t have been easy! I think you’ve laid the groundwork to have people hit the ground running with the right support in place for them to feel successful.

    Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!

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